Author = Sayyid Morteza Hosseini Shahroudi
The “Conscience of the Self” and Its Infallibility From the Perspectives of Muslim Philosophers

Volume 18, Issue 32, October 2023, Pages 215-236


Maytham ʿAzīzīyān Muṣliḥ; Sayyid Murtaḍā Ḥusaynī Shāhroudī

The Narratives of al-Nūr (the Light) Creation and the Position of Three Great Philosophers: Sadr al-Muta'alehin, Fayḍ al-Kāshānī and Allamah Tabatabaei

Volume 16, Issue 29, March 2022, Pages 261-282


Sayyedeh Zahra Mousavi; Sayyed Morteza Husseini Shahroudi; Muhammad Ali Vatandoost Haghighi Marand

Background of Sadr-ol-Mote'allehin’s Theory of Congregation in Ibn Arabi’s Mysticism

Volume 14, Issue 25, January 2020, Pages 187-206

Mahdieh Nezakati Ali Asghari; Sayyed Morteza Husseini Shahroudi; Alireza Kohansal

Examining and Criticizing the Quantum Physic about the Principle of Causality

Volume 5, Issue 8, October 2009, Pages 33-61

Sayyed Morteza Hosseini Shahrudi

Comparative Studding of Pantheism in Viewpoint of Ibn Arabi and Spinoza

Volume 4, Issue 7, November 2008, Pages 129-161

Sayyed Morteza Hosseini Shahroudi

Ethics and Relativity

Volume 2, Issue 4.5, January 2006, Pages 125-152

Sayyed Morteza Hosseini Shahroudi

Introducing and Criticizing of Logical Positivism

Volume 1, Issue 2.3, August 2003, Pages 127-174

Seyyed Mortaza Hosseini Shahrudi