Civilization is one of the fundamental categories in human societies that emphasizes the obligation to observe the rules and principles of civilization. This category has been widely reflected in the thoughts and theories of Islamic philosophers, including Ibn Miskawayh, due to its impact on biosocial quality. By writing the book of tahdhīb al-Akhlāq, he took an important step in theorizing in the field of ethics and human virtues (excellences) that underlie the growth of civilization. The present article tries to identify and introduce moral virtues and express their impact on creating a semantic formulation of civilization by using the semantic method in the field of linguistics. The research findings show that the five moral virtues: wisdom, chastity, courage, generosity and justice -which are themselves characteristics of civilization- which presented in the book of “tahdhīb al-Akhlāq” have produced categories in a semantic relationship with internal concepts which in the semantic relations with civilization as a focal point, has created a semantic formulation of civilization behind the ideas of Ibn Muskawiyyah, which emphasizes the biosocial based on the preservation of human values.
Taghavi, H. (2020). The Semantic Formulation of Civilization in Ibn Miskawayh’s Book of Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq. Islamic Philosophical Doctrines, 15(26), 63-80.
Taghavi, H. . "The Semantic Formulation of Civilization in Ibn Miskawayh’s Book of Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq", Islamic Philosophical Doctrines, 15, 26, 2020, 63-80.
Taghavi, H. (2020). 'The Semantic Formulation of Civilization in Ibn Miskawayh’s Book of Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq', Islamic Philosophical Doctrines, 15(26), pp. 63-80.
H. Taghavi, "The Semantic Formulation of Civilization in Ibn Miskawayh’s Book of Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq," Islamic Philosophical Doctrines, 15 26 (2020): 63-80,
Taghavi, H. The Semantic Formulation of Civilization in Ibn Miskawayh’s Book of Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq. Islamic Philosophical Doctrines, 2020; 15(26): 63-80.