The Principle of Contradiction in the World from the Point of View of Ṣadrā and Hegel

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Islamic Philosophy & Wisdom, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch(Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor at Department of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant professor at Department of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch(Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran


Conflict, meaning disturbance and incompatibility, has always attracted the attention of human beings and they have faced the question of why there is some kind of war and conflict and even numerous differences between the parts (components) of the universe. The present article seeks to make a comparative study of this issue from the perspective of two philosophers of East and West, Mullā Ṣadrā Shīrāzī and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and to express the similarities and differences between their views. This is explained by their intellectual, theoretical and philosophical foundations. In such a way that Ṣadr al-Muta'allehin considers contradictions and conflicts to be due to multiplicity; because wherever there is multiplicity, there is no escape from contradiction. He considered contradiction as a necessity of the world of possibility and has a graded unity that reaches its maximum in the material world, and then there is the realm of archetypes (archetypal realm, mundus imaginalis, world of archetypal images) and intellects, in which contradictions are minimized due to the intensity of ontological status and appear as differences. Hegel considers it as something in the nature of objects that takes place during the dialectical movement by stating the principle of contradiction as the most important principle of dialectical principles and imagines it as something in the nature of things that takes place in the course of dialectical motion, and a sign of the potential for the emergence of absolute thought, which is thought to move by moving from lower categories to the absolute image and has interpreted this as a dialectical course of contradiction.


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