Rule of Novelty (Contingency); From Adaptation to Peripatetic Philosophy to Improvement in Transcendent Wisdom

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Transcendent Wisdom


Aristotle’s theory of “power” was a lasting and moderate step among the various theories of motion, from denial to absolute proof (ascertainment). He also considered the primary matter (materia prima) to be a substance which is the only carrier of power (faculty) and together with the formal substance, constitutes the body. Islamic philosophy argued against this. Sometimes these arguments have been criticized so much that they have led to the denial of the idea of “power”. This article examines this issue regarding the proofs of the substance that carries the power; that is, it deals with the “rule of temporal contingency”, which shows that there must be a power and readiness that is in the material essence before any temporal phenomenon. The author thinks that by separating the superstructure problems from the infrastructure and answering the problems of the first category, the coherence of the Aristotelian thought with the peripatetic wisdom can be defended and can be explained and answered according to its high capacity to accept Ṣadrā’s editing. The importance and necessity of this issue to establish the position of peripatetic wisdom in one of the most important philosophical teachings; that is, it is “power and action” that itself is the basis for explaining the realm of substantive motion as one of the most important foundations of transcendent wisdom and provides the infrastructure for the philosophical explanation of many religious propositions, especially in the interval between the soul and the resurrection.


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