The Unity of the Qur'an and Proof (reasoning) in Explaining the “Embodiment of Deeds” Based on the Intellectual Geometry of Allameh Javadi Amoli

Document Type : Original Article


A PhD student in Transcendental Wisdom & a 4th level student at Qom Seminary


Eschatology and anthropology have a decisive role in human happiness (Arabic: سعادة, Romanized: sa'ādah) and it can be the foundation of human happiness and his distance from misery, if it would be based on revelation and rational reasoning. The embodiment of deeds is one of the most important issues in these two fields. The embodiment of deeds means the formation of beliefs, morals (ethics), attributes, dispositions, will, deeds and effects of a person and the process of becoming of a person of the same; in fact, man creates his own truth with these matters and becomes revivification with them. This issue in this article is discussed based on the opinions and thoughts of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli. He, who is a capable commentator and a philosopher full of knowledge, explains this issue in the field of embodiment of deeds by using the Qur'anic revelation and the strong principles of transcendental wisdom (Ḥikmat al-muta'aliya). The truth of the embodiment of deeds by addressing a series of principles adapted from his opinions is explained in this article and which by expressing these principles and extracting their branches, the truth of the issue of the embodiment of deeds is revealed and hence a profound interpretation of the facts of the resurrection of human beings is revealed and many doubts about the important field of resurrection and the quality of reward for deeds are criticized and the soulful resonance of the connection of revelation and intellect (reason) in the pure thought space of Shīʿa Islam is spread, which it will be inspired by the persuasion of people and the submission of honest scholars, if it reaches the ears of every listener anywhere in the world. It has been used in the final part to prove moral realism and moral generalist method, since the embodiment of ethics is one of the obvious examples of the embodiment of deeds.


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