A Criticism on Fakhr Rāzī’s Theory in Proof of Void (Arabic: خلأ)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor at Shahed University

2 A PhD student in Philosophy & Islamic Theology


One of the old issues among philosophers is the existence or non-existence of Void (Arabic: خلأ). Muslim philosophers, who mainly following Aristotle, considered the theory of void to be incorrect and also introduced proofs to annul the void. Fakhr Rāzī is one of the few Muslim theologians who has tried a lot to prove it. He presents many arguments to prove his theory, which are tangent through the needlessness of the void from the body (physical being), being a void of origin and the end of the movement of the moving body and the creation of a void when separated from the surfaces. It was proved in this study that Fakhr Rāzī’s arguments and his theory in this regard have some problems and criticisms, the most important of which is the confusion and fallacy between void rules and the empty space of any body.


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