The Explanation of the Philosophical Fundamentals of the Power of the Influence of Cyberspace Based on ʿAllāma Ṭabāṭabāʾī’s Theory of Fictions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor at Islamic Central Science & Tech. Center of Imam Hossein University

2 Associate professor at Institute for Humanities & Cultural Studies

3 Assistant professor at Institute for Humanities & Cultural Studies

4 Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies,Tehran, Iran


The speed of the expansion of cyberspace and its high power among different individuals and communities is one of the important issues of today’s world. On the other hand, one of the operative conditions of transcendent theosophy or al-ḥikmat al-muta’āliyah (Arabic: الحکمة المتعالیة) is the encounter of its followers with emerging questions new questions and providing answers and explaining the philosophical foundations of these problems. The philosophical analysis of the power of the influence of cyberspace is one of the positions of the followers of transcendent theosophy. The question of research is whether it is possible to analyze the philosophical principles of the power of cyberspace by relying on ʿAllāma Ṭabāṭabāʾī’s theory of fictions. ʿAllāma Ṭabāṭabāʾī’s theory of fictions has been explained as one of the answers to the above question in this research. The occurrence of any act by man depends on the fictitiousness of perceptions created in the mind according to this theory. The motive forces of human after knowing about the internal needs and in order to solve these needs, create estimative meanings that play a mediating role in the occurrence of act by human active (incentive) forces. Cyberspace, with its nature beyond the world of sense (sensory realm) and close to the imaginal world (realm of imagination), accelerates the process of creating these estimative meanings in the mind and influences human thoughts and acts by directing fictitious perceptions.


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