Abu Ali Sina (Avicenna)
Analysis of the Relationship between Music and the Human Soul with Emphasis on Avicennism-Psychology [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 73-96]
Aestheticism experience
Aesthetic Manifestations in Ibn Miskawayh's Thought [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 141-166]
Albert the Great
General Concepts in Avicennism Philosophy and Its Impact on Medieval Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 97-118]
Allāma Tabataba'i
The Relationship between the World of Archetypal Images and the World of Nature from the View of Allāma Tabataba'i and Sheikh Ishraq [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 23-40]
Answers of Mullā Ṣadrā
Explaining and Examining Mullā Ṣadrā's Response to the Doubt of Incompatibility of Concomitance of Satisfaction to Divine Decree with Satisfaction to Evil [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 167-188]
Aesthetic Manifestations in Ibn Miskawayh's Thought [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 141-166]
Art music
Analysis of the Relationship between Music and the Human Soul with Emphasis on Avicennism-Psychology [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 73-96]
As nonexistent)
Explaining and Examining Mullā Ṣadrā's Response to the Doubt of Incompatibility of Concomitance of Satisfaction to Divine Decree with Satisfaction to Evil [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 167-188]
Assertion and notion (ratification
Some Logical Ideas of Samarqandī and Allāma Tabataba'i’s Innovative Opinion on the Parts of the Proposition [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 197-212]
Aesthetic Manifestations in Ibn Miskawayh's Thought [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 141-166]
Body (physical being)
Recognition of the Concept of Nature in Suhrawardī’s Philosophy in the Light of the Critique of a Typical Form [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 111-132]
Capability of the soul
Activity or Capability of the Soul in Perceiving of Details and Examining the Results of Accepting Each One in Ṣadra’s Thought [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 133-156]
Cause in principles and philosophy knowledge
A Comparative Study of Complete (Perfect) and Incomplete (Partial) Cause in Philosophy with Motive (Reason) and Condition in the Knowledge of the Principles of Jurisprudence [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 231-250]
The Semantic Formulation of Civilization in Ibn Miskawayh’s Book of Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 63-80]
Complete (perfect) and incomplete (partial) cause in the knowledge of principles
A Comparative Study of Complete (Perfect) and Incomplete (Partial) Cause in Philosophy with Motive (Reason) and Condition in the Knowledge of the Principles of Jurisprudence [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 231-250]
Conversion (even conversion or converse)
Some Logical Ideas of Samarqandī and Allāma Tabataba'i’s Innovative Opinion on the Parts of the Proposition [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 197-212]
A Comparative Study of “Human Transcendental Identity” in the Thought of Heidegger and Mulla Sadrā [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 213-229]
Explaining and Examining Mullā Ṣadrā's Response to the Doubt of Incompatibility of Concomitance of Satisfaction to Divine Decree with Satisfaction to Evil [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 167-188]
Descendants World
An Analysis of the Views of Allameh Tabataba'i and Javadi Amoli on the Issue of the World of Descendants Based on the Fundamentals of Mullā Ṣadrā [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 23-46]
Divine attributes
Explaining and Evaluating the Understanding of Divine Attributes from the Perspective of Mirza Mahdi Esfahani [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 3-21]
Divine prior knowledge
A Reflection on the Theory of God’s Inferred (Attained) Knowledge of Pre-Creation Creatures [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 171-195]
Divisions of cause
A Comparative Study of Complete (Perfect) and Incomplete (Partial) Cause in Philosophy with Motive (Reason) and Condition in the Knowledge of the Principles of Jurisprudence [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 231-250]
Double reality
Ibn Rušd's Influence on the Philosophical Life of the West on the Eve of the Renaissance [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 235-254]
Entity of connection
A Comparative Study of “Human Transcendental Identity” in the Thought of Heidegger and Mulla Sadrā [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 213-229]
Equivocally (homonymous)
Explaining and Evaluating the Understanding of Divine Attributes from the Perspective of Mirza Mahdi Esfahani [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 3-21]
The Role of Etymological Knowledge in the Philosophical Approach to the Word “Ḥaqq” (Truth, Right, Reality etc.) in the Holy Quran [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 81-110]
Evil types
Explaining and Examining Mullā Ṣadrā's Response to the Doubt of Incompatibility of Concomitance of Satisfaction to Divine Decree with Satisfaction to Evil [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 167-188]
Evils doubts
Explaining and Examining Mullā Ṣadrā's Response to the Doubt of Incompatibility of Concomitance of Satisfaction to Divine Decree with Satisfaction to Evil [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 167-188]
The Role of Etymological Knowledge in the Philosophical Approach to the Word “Ḥaqq” (Truth, Right, Reality etc.) in the Holy Quran [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 81-110]
A Comparative Study of “Human Transcendental Identity” in the Thought of Heidegger and Mulla Sadrā [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 213-229]
Existential separation
Negation of Boundary (Being Borderless) between the Immaterial and the Material in Ṣadrā's Thought [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 119-140]
Analysis of the Nature of Sign from the Perspective of Saussure and Farabi [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 157-170]
A Reflection on the Theory of God’s Inferred (Attained) Knowledge of Pre-Creation Creatures [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 171-195]
Hakim Sabzevari
Analysis of Hakim Sabzevari's View on Mulla Sadra's Position on the Channel of the Rule of Unity [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 255-272]
Historical semantics
The Role of Etymological Knowledge in the Philosophical Approach to the Word “Ḥaqq” (Truth, Right, Reality etc.) in the Holy Quran [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 81-110]
Human soul
Analysis of the Relationship between Music and the Human Soul with Emphasis on Avicennism-Psychology [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 73-96]
Ibn Arabi
A comparative Study of Predicating the Essence and the Flimsy from the Viewpoint of Mulla Sadra and Ibn Arabi [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 211-233]
Ibn Miskawayh
The Semantic Formulation of Civilization in Ibn Miskawayh’s Book of Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 63-80]
Ibn Miskawayh
Aesthetic Manifestations in Ibn Miskawayh's Thought [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 141-166]
Ibn Rushdian
Ibn Rušd's Influence on the Philosophical Life of the West on the Eve of the Renaissance [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 235-254]
Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
General Concepts in Avicennism Philosophy and Its Impact on Medieval Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 97-118]
Abstraction of the Document of General Ideas; An Argument for the Immateriality of the Soul [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 189-210]
Negation of Boundary (Being Borderless) between the Immaterial and the Material in Ṣadrā's Thought [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 119-140]
Immediate apprehension
A Reflection on the Theory of God’s Inferred (Attained) Knowledge of Pre-Creation Creatures [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 171-195]
Incorporeality (Immateriality)
Negation of Boundary (Being Borderless) between the Immaterial and the Material in Ṣadrā's Thought [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 119-140]
Individual and Society; Controversy Over the Views of Contemporary Muslim Philosophers [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 47-72]
Indivisibility of intelligibles
Abstraction of the Document of General Ideas; An Argument for the Immateriality of the Soul [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 189-210]
Inferred knowledge (attained knowledge)
A Reflection on the Theory of God’s Inferred (Attained) Knowledge of Pre-Creation Creatures [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 171-195]
Instrumental art music
Analysis of the Relationship between Music and the Human Soul with Emphasis on Avicennism-Psychology [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 73-96]
Internal compatibility
Proof of Power and Action from the Perspective of Peripatetic Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 41-62]
Investigation of answers
Explaining and Examining Mullā Ṣadrā's Response to the Doubt of Incompatibility of Concomitance of Satisfaction to Divine Decree with Satisfaction to Evil [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 167-188]
Javadi Amoli
An Analysis of the Views of Allameh Tabataba'i and Javadi Amoli on the Issue of the World of Descendants Based on the Fundamentals of Mullā Ṣadrā [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 23-46]
Letter and reasonable
Analysis of the Nature of Sign from the Perspective of Saussure and Farabi [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 157-170]
Lexical principle
The Role of Etymological Knowledge in the Philosophical Approach to the Word “Ḥaqq” (Truth, Right, Reality etc.) in the Holy Quran [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 81-110]
Making know evil negatively (Knowing evil negatively
Explaining and Examining Mullā Ṣadrā's Response to the Doubt of Incompatibility of Concomitance of Satisfaction to Divine Decree with Satisfaction to Evil [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 167-188]
Negation of Boundary (Being Borderless) between the Immaterial and the Material in Ṣadrā's Thought [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 119-140]
General Concepts in Avicennism Philosophy and Its Impact on Medieval Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 97-118]
Mirza Mahdi Esfahani
Explaining and Evaluating the Understanding of Divine Attributes from the Perspective of Mirza Mahdi Esfahani [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 3-21]
Moral refinement (catharsis)
The Semantic Formulation of Civilization in Ibn Miskawayh’s Book of Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 63-80]
Moral virtues
The Semantic Formulation of Civilization in Ibn Miskawayh’s Book of Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 63-80]
Motive (reason) in Philosophy and Principles
A Comparative Study of Complete (Perfect) and Incomplete (Partial) Cause in Philosophy with Motive (Reason) and Condition in the Knowledge of the Principles of Jurisprudence [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 231-250]
Mulla Sadra
A comparative Study of Predicating the Essence and the Flimsy from the Viewpoint of Mulla Sadra and Ibn Arabi [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 211-233]
Mulla Sadra
Analysis of Hakim Sabzevari's View on Mulla Sadra's Position on the Channel of the Rule of Unity [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 255-272]
Mullā Ṣadrā
An Analysis of the Views of Allameh Tabataba'i and Javadi Amoli on the Issue of the World of Descendants Based on the Fundamentals of Mullā Ṣadrā [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 23-46]
Mullā Ṣadrā
Negation of Boundary (Being Borderless) between the Immaterial and the Material in Ṣadrā's Thought [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 119-140]
Analysis of the Relationship between Music and the Human Soul with Emphasis on Avicennism-Psychology [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 73-96]
Recognition of the Concept of Nature in Suhrawardī’s Philosophy in the Light of the Critique of a Typical Form [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 111-132]
Nature (Innate natural disposition)
An Analysis of the Views of Allameh Tabataba'i and Javadi Amoli on the Issue of the World of Descendants Based on the Fundamentals of Mullā Ṣadrā [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 23-46]
Necessity of description
Some Logical Ideas of Samarqandī and Allāma Tabataba'i’s Innovative Opinion on the Parts of the Proposition [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 197-212]
Negative theology
Explaining and Evaluating the Understanding of Divine Attributes from the Perspective of Mirza Mahdi Esfahani [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 3-21]
Individual and Society; Controversy Over the Views of Contemporary Muslim Philosophers [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 47-72]
Obligation of Existence
Analysis of Hakim Sabzevari's View on Mulla Sadra's Position on the Channel of the Rule of Unity [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 255-272]
Investigation of Circle Doubt (Obfuscation) and Circular Reasoning to the Evidence of the Principality of Existence [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 3-22]
Peripatetic philosophy
Proof of Power and Action from the Perspective of Peripatetic Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 41-62]
Philosophy of illumination
Recognition of the Concept of Nature in Suhrawardī’s Philosophy in the Light of the Critique of a Typical Form [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 111-132]
Power (potency)
Proof of Power and Action from the Perspective of Peripatetic Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 41-62]
Individual and Society; Controversy Over the Views of Contemporary Muslim Philosophers [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 47-72]
Principality of existence
Investigation of Circle Doubt (Obfuscation) and Circular Reasoning to the Evidence of the Principality of Existence [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 3-22]
Rank of existents (chain of being)
A Comparative Study of “Human Transcendental Identity” in the Thought of Heidegger and Mulla Sadrā [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 213-229]
Rarefied and real predication
An Analysis of the Views of Allameh Tabataba'i and Javadi Amoli on the Issue of the World of Descendants Based on the Fundamentals of Mullā Ṣadrā [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 23-46]
Ibn Rušd's Influence on the Philosophical Life of the West on the Eve of the Renaissance [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 235-254]
Explaining and Evaluating the Understanding of Divine Attributes from the Perspective of Mirza Mahdi Esfahani [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 3-21]
The Role of Etymological Knowledge in the Philosophical Approach to the Word “Ḥaqq” (Truth, Right, Reality etc.) in the Holy Quran [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 81-110]
Rule of Unity
Analysis of Hakim Sabzevari's View on Mulla Sadra's Position on the Channel of the Rule of Unity [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 255-272]
Samarqandī and Tabataba'i
Some Logical Ideas of Samarqandī and Allāma Tabataba'i’s Innovative Opinion on the Parts of the Proposition [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 197-212]
Analysis of the Nature of Sign from the Perspective of Saussure and Farabi [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 157-170]
Activity or Capability of the Soul in Perceiving of Details and Examining the Results of Accepting Each One in Ṣadra’s Thought [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 133-156]
Self-development (unveiling)
Activity or Capability of the Soul in Perceiving of Details and Examining the Results of Accepting Each One in Ṣadra’s Thought [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 133-156]
The Semantic Formulation of Civilization in Ibn Miskawayh’s Book of Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 63-80]
Semantic formulation
The Semantic Formulation of Civilization in Ibn Miskawayh’s Book of Tahdhīb al-Akhlāq [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 63-80]
Sensory and illusory perceptions (partial
Activity or Capability of the Soul in Perceiving of Details and Examining the Results of Accepting Each One in Ṣadra’s Thought [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 133-156]
Sheikh Ishraq
The Relationship between the World of Archetypal Images and the World of Nature from the View of Allāma Tabataba'i and Sheikh Ishraq [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 23-40]
Analysis of the Nature of Sign from the Perspective of Saussure and Farabi [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 157-170]
Individual and Society; Controversy Over the Views of Contemporary Muslim Philosophers [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 47-72]
Specific substances (form of species)
Recognition of the Concept of Nature in Suhrawardī’s Philosophy in the Light of the Critique of a Typical Form [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 111-132]
A Comparative Study of “Human Transcendental Identity” in the Thought of Heidegger and Mulla Sadrā [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 213-229]
An Analysis of the Views of Allameh Tabataba'i and Javadi Amoli on the Issue of the World of Descendants Based on the Fundamentals of Mullā Ṣadrā [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 23-46]
The decline of the church power
Ibn Rušd's Influence on the Philosophical Life of the West on the Eve of the Renaissance [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 235-254]
The essence and the flimsy
A comparative Study of Predicating the Essence and the Flimsy from the Viewpoint of Mulla Sadra and Ibn Arabi [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 211-233]
The first matter (prakṛti)
Proof of Power and Action from the Perspective of Peripatetic Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 41-62]
The immateriality of the soul
Abstraction of the Document of General Ideas; An Argument for the Immateriality of the Soul [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 189-210]
The perception (cognition) of general principles
Abstraction of the Document of General Ideas; An Argument for the Immateriality of the Soul [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 189-210]
The proof of power and action
Proof of Power and Action from the Perspective of Peripatetic Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 41-62]
The soul
Abstraction of the Document of General Ideas; An Argument for the Immateriality of the Soul [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 189-210]
The world of archetypal images
The Relationship between the World of Archetypal Images and the World of Nature from the View of Allāma Tabataba'i and Sheikh Ishraq [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 23-40]
The world of nature
The Relationship between the World of Archetypal Images and the World of Nature from the View of Allāma Tabataba'i and Sheikh Ishraq [Volume 15, Issue 26, 2020, Pages 23-40]
Thomas Aquinas
General Concepts in Avicennism Philosophy and Its Impact on Medieval Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 97-118]
Unreal unit
Analysis of Hakim Sabzevari's View on Mulla Sadra's Position on the Channel of the Rule of Unity [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 255-272]
Validity of quiddity
Investigation of Circle Doubt (Obfuscation) and Circular Reasoning to the Evidence of the Principality of Existence [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 3-22]
William of Ockham
General Concepts in Avicennism Philosophy and Its Impact on Medieval Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 27, 2020, Pages 97-118]
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