نوع مقاله : علمی
1 استاد دانشکده الهیات دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد
2 دانشیار دانشکده الهیات دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد
3 دکتری فلسفه گرایش حکمت متعالیه، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد
عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسندگان [English]
In the intellectual system of Ṣadr al-Mutiʾallihīn (Arabic: صدر المتألّهین) and on the basis of principals such as the priority of existence and modulation of existence and most importantly the self-unfolding of existence and the rule of “بسیط الحقیقة کلّ الأشیاء ولیس بشیء منها” [Indivisible Entity or God (Arabic: بسیط الحقیقة) is all things and it is none of them] is only a “single manifestation” in the universe and does not have manifestation except God himself and all manifestations are considered as the attributes and modes of being and consequently, the basis of existence which is based on the unity of the absolute, are all individuation, manifestation and appearance of that truth, i.e., the only existence of Him is considered and His manifestation and all things are the manifestation of that single and absolute Essence with a special mode. This attitude is present in many parts of the supplications of the Infallibles (as) (which is their direct, special and open communication is with the Lord), phrases such as: “My God, You are the Manifest (Evident, Outward or Ascendant) and there is nothing above You,” (Arabic: إلهی أنت الظاهر فلیس فوقک شیء), “Oh, the Immanent in His Evident” (Arabic: یا باطنًا فی ظهوره), “I saw you appearing in everything” (Arabic: فرأیتک ظاهرًا فی کلّ شیء), “Will there be any appearance other than you?” (Arabic: أیکون لغیرک من الظهور), “Praise be to Allah, who has revealed Himself to His creatures because of His creation” (Arabic: الحمد للّٰه المتجلّی لخلقه بخلقه) etc. that along with proofs from the aḥādīth and verses of the Quran are indicative of this importance which leads to the strengthening of this Mullā Ṣadrā’s view and will open the way to knowledge for those who want to know God Almighty. There is no precedent for this research and citation of the subject and its method is based on a library method.
کلیدواژهها [English]