Abītu ʿinda Rabbī (Arabic: أبیتُ عند ربّی
Validation and Analysis of the Ḥadīth “I Spend the Night With My Lord, and He Feeds and Drinks Me” (Arabic: أبیتُ عند ربّی یُطعِمُنی ویَسْقینی, Romanized: “Abītu ʿinda Rabbī yuṭʿimunī wa yasqīnī”) [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 237-254]
A Comparative Study of Beauty and its Relation to Pleasure and Goodness in the Philosophy of Plotinus and Avicenna [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 195-214]
Al-Mīzān (Arabic: اَلْمیزان)
The Convergence of the Formation of Intuitive Knowledge in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy and Tafsīr al-Ṣāfī & Tafsīr al-Mīzān [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 169-193]
Al-Ṣāfī (Arabic: الْصَّافِی)
The Convergence of the Formation of Intuitive Knowledge in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy and Tafsīr al-Ṣāfī & Tafsīr al-Mīzān [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 169-193]
Explaining the Dignity of Humanity Based on the Anthropology of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 73-93]
Arrangement of philosophical issues
Recognizing the Position of the Existence Gradation on the Subject of Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 255-278]
Avicenna (Arabic: إبْن سینا
A Comparative Study of Beauty and its Relation to Pleasure and Goodness in the Philosophy of Plotinus and Avicenna [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 195-214]
Being near (Arabic: عِندیَّة
Validation and Analysis of the Ḥadīth “I Spend the Night With My Lord, and He Feeds and Drinks Me” (Arabic: أبیتُ عند ربّی یُطعِمُنی ویَسْقینی, Romanized: “Abītu ʿinda Rabbī yuṭʿimunī wa yasqīnī”) [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 237-254]
Certainty (Arabic: اَلْیَقین)
The Convergence of the Formation of Intuitive Knowledge in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy and Tafsīr al-Ṣāfī & Tafsīr al-Mīzān [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 169-193]
Comparative study
A Comparative Study of the Extent of Semantic Implications of Cosmological Arguments and the Proof of Ontological Argument (Burhān-i Ṣiddiqīn) [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 51-71]
Cosmological Arguments
A Comparative Study of the Extent of Semantic Implications of Cosmological Arguments and the Proof of Ontological Argument (Burhān-i Ṣiddiqīn) [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 51-71]
Direct knowledge
The “Conscience of the Self” and Its Infallibility From the Perspectives of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 215-236]
Divine will
Analysis of the Divine Will in Islamic Philosophy in Correspondence to the Voluntary Actions of the Human Soul [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 145-168]
Epistemic knowledge
The “Conscience of the Self” and Its Infallibility From the Perspectives of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 215-236]
Ethical egoism
A Comparison of the Metaphysical Egoism of ʿAllāma Ṭabāṭabāʾī With Egoistic Theories in Ethics [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 119-143]
Existence gradation
Recognizing the Position of the Existence Gradation on the Subject of Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 255-278]
Extremism (Arabic: غُلُو)
Blaming Sabziwārī Under the Veil of Sabziwārī Studies [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 27-50]
A Comparative Study of Beauty and its Relation to Pleasure and Goodness in the Philosophy of Plotinus and Avicenna [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 195-214]
Explaining the Dignity of Humanity Based on the Anthropology of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 73-93]
Human will
Analysis of the Divine Will in Islamic Philosophy in Correspondence to the Voluntary Actions of the Human Soul [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 145-168]
Intuitive knowledge (Arabic: عِلْمُ الْحُضوری
The Convergence of the Formation of Intuitive Knowledge in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy and Tafsīr al-Ṣāfī & Tafsīr al-Mīzān [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 169-193]
Intuitive knowledge (Arabic: عِلْمُ الْحُضوری
The “Conscience of the Self” and Its Infallibility From the Perspectives of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 215-236]
Islamic philosophers
Analysis of the Divine Will in Islamic Philosophy in Correspondence to the Voluntary Actions of the Human Soul [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 145-168]
Islamic philosophy
Explaining the Dignity of Humanity Based on the Anthropology of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 73-93]
Islamic philosophy
A Critical Reevaluation of the Nature of Islamic Philosophy From the Perspectives of ʿAllāma Ṭabāṭabāʾī and ʾĀyatu llāh Jawādī Āmulī [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 95-117]
Jawādī Āmulī (Persian: جوادی آملی)
A Critical Reevaluation of the Nature of Islamic Philosophy From the Perspectives of ʿAllāma Ṭabāṭabāʾī and ʾĀyatu llāh Jawādī Āmulī [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 95-117]
Metaphysical Egoism
A Comparison of the Metaphysical Egoism of ʿAllāma Ṭabāṭabāʾī With Egoistic Theories in Ethics [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 119-143]
Moral threshold
Examining the Moral Threshold From the Perspective of Shahīd Moṭahharī with Emphasis on the Reality of Ethics [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 5-26]
Mullā Ṣadrā
The Convergence of the Formation of Intuitive Knowledge in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy and Tafsīr al-Ṣāfī & Tafsīr al-Mīzān [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 169-193]
Ontological argument (Burhān-i Ṣiddiqīn)
A Comparative Study of the Extent of Semantic Implications of Cosmological Arguments and the Proof of Ontological Argument (Burhān-i Ṣiddiqīn) [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 51-71]
Philosophical critique
Blaming Sabziwārī Under the Veil of Sabziwārī Studies [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 27-50]
Philosophical secondary intelligible (Arabic: مَعْقولُ الْثَّانی
Explaining the Dignity of Humanity Based on the Anthropology of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 73-93]
A Comparative Study of Beauty and its Relation to Pleasure and Goodness in the Philosophy of Plotinus and Avicenna [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 195-214]
A Comparative Study of Beauty and its Relation to Pleasure and Goodness in the Philosophy of Plotinus and Avicenna [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 195-214]
Position of the existence gradation
Recognizing the Position of the Existence Gradation on the Subject of Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 255-278]
Psychological egoism
A Comparison of the Metaphysical Egoism of ʿAllāma Ṭabāṭabāʾī With Egoistic Theories in Ethics [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 119-143]
Referring to intuitive knowledge
The “Conscience of the Self” and Its Infallibility From the Perspectives of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 215-236]
Scope of Signification
A Comparative Study of the Extent of Semantic Implications of Cosmological Arguments and the Proof of Ontological Argument (Burhān-i Ṣiddiqīn) [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 51-71]
The “Conscience of the Self” and Its Infallibility From the Perspectives of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 215-236]
Shahīd Moṭahharī
Examining the Moral Threshold From the Perspective of Shahīd Moṭahharī with Emphasis on the Reality of Ethics [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 5-26]
Explaining the Dignity of Humanity Based on the Anthropology of Muslim Philosophers [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 73-93]
Spiritual sustenance
Validation and Analysis of the Ḥadīth “I Spend the Night With My Lord, and He Feeds and Drinks Me” (Arabic: أبیتُ عند ربّی یُطعِمُنی ویَسْقینی, Romanized: “Abītu ʿinda Rabbī yuṭʿimunī wa yasqīnī”) [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 237-254]
Spirituality of the soul
Validation and Analysis of the Ḥadīth “I Spend the Night With My Lord, and He Feeds and Drinks Me” (Arabic: أبیتُ عند ربّی یُطعِمُنی ویَسْقینی, Romanized: “Abītu ʿinda Rabbī yuṭʿimunī wa yasqīnī”) [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 237-254]
The act of extremism
Blaming Sabziwārī Under the Veil of Sabziwārī Studies [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 27-50]
A Critical Reevaluation of the Nature of Islamic Philosophy From the Perspectives of ʿAllāma Ṭabāṭabāʾī and ʾĀyatu llāh Jawādī Āmulī [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 95-117]
Unity and diversity
Recognizing the Position of the Existence Gradation on the Subject of Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 255-278]
Voluntary actions
Analysis of the Divine Will in Islamic Philosophy in Correspondence to the Voluntary Actions of the Human Soul [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 145-168]
Worship theory
Examining the Moral Threshold From the Perspective of Shahīd Moṭahharī with Emphasis on the Reality of Ethics [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 5-26]
Yuṭʿimunī (Arabic: یُطْعِمُنی
Validation and Analysis of the Ḥadīth “I Spend the Night With My Lord, and He Feeds and Drinks Me” (Arabic: أبیتُ عند ربّی یُطعِمُنی ویَسْقینی, Romanized: “Abītu ʿinda Rabbī yuṭʿimunī wa yasqīnī”) [Volume 18, Issue 32, 2023, Pages 237-254]
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